Review of Techniques and Algorithms of Load Balancing in Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing, Load Balancing, Load Balancing AlgorithmAbstract
Cloud computing has revolutionized the delivery of modern applications and services through its
scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. Efficiently allocating jobs among servers or virtual
machines is a significant challenge in fully harnessing the capabilities of cloud systems. This review does
a comprehensive comparison and analysis of various cloud-based dynamic load balancing algorithms to
identify the most effective one. A variety of load balancing algorithms, including Round Robin, ESCE,
Min-Min, Max-Min, and Throttled, are covered in the discussion along with their effects on throughput,
fault tolerance, scalability, and overhead. The literature review stresses the dynamic nature of the cloud
computing landscape by highlighting important contributions from scholars. Additionally, the study
identifies issues in cloud services, such as automated service provisioning, virtual machine migration,
energy management, stored data management, and the growth of small data centers. Even though cloud
computing has become widely used, these difficulties highlight the continued need for innovation in the
industry. This review serves as an excellent resource for individuals engaged in the optimization,
research, and development of cloud computing systems, providing insights into contemporary load
balancing techniques.